Hello and Welcome!

Hiya! My name’s Marc. I’m a queer, disabled Malaysian Hokkien man who both grew up and currently resides in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. My body of work mainly consists of digital paintings, but I’m also skilled with the arts of ceramics, graphic and web design, prose writing, and front-end web development.

I love the earth, and I always have. Given that most of my formal training has been with ceramics, I consider myself a ceramist first and foremost – the slippery texture of wet, malleable terracotta is one of my favorite sensations – so I suppose it’s no surprise that I’m glad to get my hands dirty when I work. Helping people learn about, better understand, and preserve the beautiful flora, fauna, people, and cultures on our shared land is one of my strongest drives and core motivations.

Pardon the dust – I’m slowly rolling out updates to ease maintenance and improve security. Things might look a bit uneven in the meantime. Thank you for your patience!

Let’s keep in touch!

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