Hobby Projects, Curios, and Blog-Like Thoughts

All work and no play makes Marc a dull boy.

Curiosities, Ramblings, and Horseplay

I’ve dabbled in my fair share of strange interests. Because some of these things are extremely niche and obscure, I don’t hesitate to talk people’s ears off about these joys.

Sad Otters Tabletop Game Ring

Sad Otters is a group of nerds (myself included, of course) who love hybrid play-by-post/tabletop role-playing games. Over the years, we’ve held a frankly embarrassing number of games – some good, some unpolished, and some merely products of youthful inexperience. I maintain the group’s wiki project, archiving as much as I can of older games. →

Keitai Denjuu Telefang, The Infamous Bootleg “Pokémon Diamond” Cartridge

My intelligence peaked when I, a young child in 2002, purchased this cartridge none the wiser, completely unaware of its controversy and infamy. Considering its mediocre assembly and numerous blemishes, maybe I shouldn’t be bragging to the Internet about how I own this thing, but this humbly janky cartridge that couldn’t even hold a save file changed my life. Here is some context on and pictures of the slice of crappy green plastic that affected me more than my seasonal allergies ever could. Here, I talk about it for a frankly embarrassing amount of time. →

Atline, Town of Gears Translation Notes

Article is a work in progress – coming soon.

On a whim, I was invited to proofread a Japanese-to-English fan translation for the RPGMaker game Atline, Town of Gears. I don’t speak Japanese, and my exposure to Japanese culture is largely from growing up alongside an extremely specific diaspora. I sure as hell speak English, though, and I love a good chance to beat people’s heads in over independent clauses and the like. I took notes and gave commentary on the process, for those interested.

Translation patch download →

Atline, Town of Gears Spoiler-Free Guide

Article is a work in progress – coming soon.

While taking notes on Atline’s translation progress, I managed to make a rough guide that I’ve also scrubbed spoilers from.

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