Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy sets the basis from which cookies and other, similar technology is used on this website, (“Fafnir Tech” and the “Website”). By using the style selector widget on the Website, you agree to this policy.

What are cookies?

In computing, cookies are a type of small text file sent from a web server to be stored in your web browser. They allow the website that placed them or a third party to recognize you. Cookies can be used to collect, store, and share small strings of information about your activities across websites.

Some websites require cookies to properly provide services to their users; others use cookies as an optional enhancement. These two categories are called “essential” and “non-essential” cookies. Cookies are also categorized by the length of time they are meant to persist for. These cookies will remain on your devices for a set period of time specified in the cookie. Some cookies last only for as long as the browser holding them remains open, and others last for a set period of time, regardless of how many times the browser holding them has closed and re-opened. Despite this, all cookies can be deleted through your browser’s cookie panel.

Which kinds of cookies does Fafnir Tech use and how does Fafnir Tech use them?

The cookies we use are specifically non-essential, persistent cookies that last for one week before expiring. Currently, they are used exclusively to store your site style preferences, set at the bottom of every page on the domain. Cookies are not required to use and we do not give any third parties access to these cookies.

Why are cookies so important?

While some websites use essential cookies, others use non-essential cookies. All cookies, however, are subject to the law. On May 25, 2018, the European Union set upon the world the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Under it, all websites that collect and use user data from users in any European Union state are required to inform users about which data are collected and how this data may be used and processed. As a result, most websites now have privacy policies to better inform their users about what information is stored and shared using cookies.

What are my cookie options?

By default, many web browsers accept both first-party and third-party cookies. Depending on which browser you use, you may have options to delete all cookies upon closing the browser, accept only first-party cookies, or to block cookies altogether.

Where can I find more information about cookies?

You can learn more about cookies by visiting the following third-party websites:

Policy last modified on December 3, 2019.