I tend towards literary sketches and abstract poetry in my writing, but one day, I hope to perhaps bind a cohesive narrative or string of related sketches together into a book or a collection.


Literary Sketches

  • “A Bullet for my Fantasy”: a short story about the only way out. Mature audiences only.
  • “Pocket Dictionary of Magic”: a burglar under the veil of night finds one too many treasures. The first half of this piece was written exclusively in dialogue as a challenge.
  • “Looming”: a tender conversation on the touchy subject of family, taking place in between the staccato rhythm of wood on wood for tightening a weave.
  • World of Lingua flash fics: miscellaneous small character studies and literary sketches written for World of Lingua’s prompts. Each paragraph on its own is a self-contained 55 fic, and each grouping remains brief to better illustrate fleeting moments of strong emotions.


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